Equities Trading platform Design DevelopmentĀ  (Tier 1 investment bank)

I conducted user research interview sessions with Equities and bonds traders to identify which tickets and parts of their old system are most frequently used and the most complex as a starting point for a platform redesign project. The old “Stride” trading platform was designed over 10 years ago without the support and input from a UX Designer and was designed by a developer team primarily inspired by the Microsoft word interface, colour pallet and visual patterns. I designed a new equities and bonds order entry platform for Traders, stating with the dashboard and an equities ticket to preview and establish what a new platoform could potentially look like, by following the new components and design patterns I created as part of a new component library for Markets interfaces. The old stride platform was designed by a siloed team and the design patterns were completely different to all of the other trading platforms across Markets, so the new redesign was needed to create consistency with the other applications traders use as part of their daily workflow and so the system will automatically be updated each time the components in the library are updated to a new version.

This is how the old system could look and function using the new markets toolkit design library we developed in Figma.